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Lusine Kharatyan

Lusine Kharatyan

Is a researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. She is also actively involved in Civic Initiative for Education, a connecting platform for different education stakeholders with an aim to advance 4 main priorities in education sector: right to educations, social justice, participation, and critical thinking. In 2012-2017, she headed DVV International (Institute for International Cooperation of German Adult Education Association) Armenia Country Office. In the past, Ms. Kharatyan worked for different national, international and bilateral development agencies and NGOs, including The World Bank, GIZ, Millennium Challenge Account-Armenia, and World Learning. She also taught at different universities in Armenia.

Her research, publications and practical work focus on education, reconciliation and conflict resolution, politics of memory, anthropology of borderline, integration of refugees, social/cultural impact of policy reforms, and civil society formation. Outside Armenia, she has been involved in research and consultancy in Kyrgyzstan, Syria, and Turkey.

Lusine holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Minnesota (2004), General Diploma in Demography from Cairo Demographic Center (2000), and a Diploma with distinction from the History Department of Yerevan State University (1999). Since November 2018, she represents Armenia in the Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

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